Every business needs to know their identity. Not just the name of your company, but who you really are, at your core. I read the book "The Woman I Wanted To Be" by Diane von Furstenberg and she talks about how her company lost who they really were and finally one day they locked themselves in a room (probably not literally) but they removed themselves from interruption to focus solely on coming up with three words that identified their brand, their customer and their designs.
Several different groups brainstormed and collectively came up with effortless, sexy, and on-the-go. It was a defining moment and brought clarity. It provided focus and direction. It gave them a new lens to view the company by.
It may not be possible to gather several groups together if you are a small company, but taking the time to really drill down your identity more than just the stats you list on your business license will go far in improving your sales and attracting your ideal customer.
xo, jan