Shoot For The Moon

Birthdays are that time of year when reflections are an obvious rite of the big day.  As we make wishes for the future, we often look back over the past year and review what we have accomplished.  I officially celebrated my birthday on the 19th (as well as a few other days as friends and family generously treated me to additional festive celebrations!) and I couldn’t help but mentally review the list I made 365 days ago.

Some of the goals I set out to accomplish were pretty lofty, others a bit more possible or manageable.  The most significant goal on my list in this past birthday year was built around my age.  I would  give up alcohol, walk for 30 minutes everyday, drink my age in water ounces everyday, and write a business tip, everyday for as many days as I was old. I accomplished that goal.  It felt good and I was very proud of myself and I’ve continued to incorporate some of  those practices in my daily life.

I also set some goals like reading a certain number of books and trying a certain number of new things. That goal wasn’t completed in its entirety, nor were a few others on my list that were probably not attainable, but I listed them anyway. So upon my reflection, I found myself chastising myself for coming up a little short. And then I stopped, and remembered a quote my daughter Keeley lovingly printed on my pillow case many many years back and I still share with others. “Shoot for the moon, if you miss you will land amongst the stars”.  Instead of focusing on what I DIDN’T accomplish, I’m CHOOSING to focus on what I DID accomplish, and be happy with where I landed.  I will continue to push myself and shoot for the moon because if we always reach the goals we set out to accomplish, we aren’t stretching ourselves very far.

xo, jan

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