"Do You Feel Lucky?"
You’ve got to ask yourself one question: ‘Do you feel lucky? Well, do you?” No, not as seen in the movie, Dirty Harry when Clint Eastwood asks a punk that question, but LUCKY as in seeing opportunities and creating your own luck. I think I have shared one of my favorite quotes before, (ok, I have lots of favorite quotes!) but “The harder you work, the luckier you get” seems apropos for this post today.
LUCK happens when you seize opportunities that present themselves.
LUCK happens when you have the vision and the instinct to recognize that you can make something happen out of a situation and turn it into an opportunity.
LUCK happens when you keep your eyes open.
LUCK happens when you raise your expectations.
LUCK happens when you say out loud what you want.
LUCK happens when you take action.
LUCK happens when you show up.
LUCK happens when you ask for what you want.
LUCK happens when you believe in your dream.
LUCK happens when you work hard and never never never ever give up.
I got involved with Ladies Who Launch because I jumped on the opportunity as soon as it presented itself. LUCK happens when you take action
I got the opportunity to become the host of my own TV show because LUCK happens when you say out loud what you want and when you ask for what you want.
I had incredible things happen in my life because LUCK happens when you show up and it enabled me to make some incredible contacts AND friends who I treasure as part of my work or life every single day.
You can make this day and everyday, your lucky day! And when someone asks, “DO YOU FEEL LUCKY?” you can say, “DAMN STRAIGHT I DO!”
xo, jan