Believe You Are Going To Be Successful

I think it was Les Brown that may have brought this to my attention when he talked about the difference between two teams (and I don’t remember who they were) that entered a sports arena to play a very big football game (it could have been a Super Bowl.) One team came to the game ready to play and hoped they would win. The other team came to the game and believed they would win. The team that WON the game is the team that came to the game and believed they were going to win! They had the right attitude, and were able to envision that win!They were prepared, but their belief in their success is what enabled them to win.

Entrepreneurs that go through life hoping that they are going to be successful do not have the tools to be successful. When all you do is hope, you are not fully committed. You are not all in. You are leaving success to chance. You have to be sure, and unwavering. Doubt sets you at an automatic disadvantage because opponents can sense your insecurity. Doubt opens the door for fear to creep in which leads to poor decision making. Belief is powerful because your behavior keeps you moving from a winners vantage point. Your decisions are powerful and clear. You remain focused and operate at your maximum potential. So the next challenge you take on, whether it is in business or everyday life, “BELIEVE YOU ARE GOING TO BE SUCCESSFUL”, and watch magical things happen.

xo, jan

the Super Bowl is not over, but hopefully my team Denver Broncos believes they are going to win!

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