Refresh, Refuel, Recharge

You know the feeling. The year starts out powerful. Many of us are like a charging bull when it comes to the new year. We start out full of vim and vigor, and by the time summer rolls around, we have lost steam with all those resolutions or goals we set for ourself.

That is why I decided early on to take the mid way point of the year to REFRESH, REFUEL, AND RECHARGE. This helps to keep me going and get back on track with the same determination and fresh start that I had in January. I learned tonight that calendars exist that start with the month of July. Genius!

However you do it, take a moment to reflect on where you have been, where you are going, and what you need to do to end the year with a feeling of accomplishment and hope, instead of wiped out and dissatisfied with neglected intentions and loss of enthusiasm and determination.

xo, jan

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