Setting Time Aside
““The ultimate of being successful is the luxury of giving yourself the time to do what you want to do” ”
I thought I was successful! I am living my dream and doing amazing things in life. Admittedly, sometimes I get so overwhelmed with everything I need to accomplish, that I just stand in a room and spin around before putting my finger on one of the things on my list that I need to complete. Kind of like pin the tail on the donkey. Being so busy isn’t a complaint though. I truly appreciate that I have such a rich and full life and am not looking to give up any of the things I do. But there are moments when I question my sanity. And there are moments that I wish I didn’t have so many obligations on my plate. Yes, the luxury of giving myself time to do everything I want is still alluding me. So maybe I will reevaluate and plan a few days and few weeks as “doing everything else I still want”. Then I can say I’m ultimately successful! You?