It's been a while since I last blogged and now it is time to restart. As you may notice, there is a huge gap between my last post April 10th, 2015 and this post on June 17th, 2015. The reason for my absence? I took time to update, rework, refresh, and redesign my website, including rebranding as my name and bringing my art into business and making business a part of my art. I say I did all this, but in reality, it was my daughter who did all the work and encouraged me to switch to a different platform. It may take me a while to learn the new system, but you should never be afraid to learn something new. If we stay in that comfortable place, we never grow. So it has definitely felt weird to get back to the business of writing my blog "Entrepreneurial Voice," but when it is time to restart, you have to start somewhere. Lest you think I haven't done much during my absence, check out my instagram, phhhoto, and FB posts. I've been trying to expand my reach and learn new skills, something I'm quite certain I will blog about at some point in the future. I look forward to resuming my writing and can't wait to share many of the lessons I have learned during this journey.

xo, jan

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