nice brandingJPG.JPG

This bicycle could have been parked in front of any retail storefront and I would not have noticed or cared. (Well, I might have thought it was cute and imagined what fun it would be to ride it somewhere.) The fact that it was parked in front of Drybar, a place to get your hair blown out after a shampoo, not only made me notice, but also reinforced the brand. Drybar is known for its consistent use of the colors gray and yellow. I have mentioned in previous posts that the color you use in your business will help people identify with you (Think blue for Tiffany's, brown for UPS, orange for Home Depot.) Drybar is known for its consistent use of the colors gray and yellow. When I see these colors, I subconsciously think Drybar, and when I recognize the same colors in every store, I immediately know that every Drybar is consistent in their mission and the service they provide. 

What are you doing to reinforce your brand?

xo, jan

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