What Is The Legacy YOU Will Leave Behind?
While vacationing in Williamsburg, VA, this week, I’ve visited all the historical sights of course. It was particularly interesting today as I went down the famous Duke of Glouchester St and listened to several actors (clad in traditional dress and assuming the role of shopkeeper, cabinet maker, furniture maker, tavern owner) discuss their beliefs, concerns, and business practices.
What would someone say about me a 100 or so years from now? How would they describe my business and what I did? What kind of impact would they say I had made, if any? I realize that although I tend to live in the future with most of my actions regarding my personal life, my business operates in the present. I want to start thinking forward and help decide what my legacy will be rather than letting it just happen. I want to be the business owner that people speaking about me in the future will talk about my passion, my desire to help women realize their dream, my commitment to my students and becoming a great instructor, my ability to connect and help bring together joint ventures and life changes among individuals, my innovation and bright ideas. So starting today, I will direct my actions with the future in mind and the legacy I want to leave behind.
xo, jan