You Can't Be Great

Those are words from the famous country singer John Rich, who said, “You can’t be great until you’ve been broken down and built yourself back up. That’s when you get to a spot when you’re semi-indestructible.”

Moments in our life can be quite defining and at times when it seems to be the darkest day, it is good to remember that these moments are only preparing you for the opportunity to be really great. On the flip side of the coin, when it seems success is happening every time you turn around, you want to enjoy the moments, and celebrate your hard work and possibly a bit of luck, but never get comfortable. Never believe you are indestructible, because as sure as day follows night and night follows day, there is always someone hungry and innovative waiting to assume your spot. But never assume it is over either, because you have the power to be great.

xo, jan

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